david wong

Hey! I'm David, cofounder of zkSecurity and the author of the Real-World Cryptography book. I was previously a crypto architect at O(1) Labs (working on the Mina cryptocurrency), before that I was the security lead for Diem (formerly Libra) at Novi (Facebook), and a security consultant for the Cryptography Services of NCC Group. This is my blog about cryptography and security and other related topics that I find interesting.

Some Q/A on phone security posted March 2016

There is an excellent blogpost here on how would you go about getting into an encrypted phone.

I asked some questions to one of the co-author Adwait Nadkarni, I thought that it might be interesting to others:

But offline attacks can also be much harder, because they require either trying every single possible encryption key, or figuring out the user’s passcode and the device-specific key (the unique ID on Apple, and the hardware-bound key on newer versions of Android).

Q: I don't understand why you would have to guess that HBK, can't you just access it on the phone?

A: Thats a good question. To prevent the security from only being dependent on the user-supplied passcode, the HBK is supposed to be inaccessible from most software, similar to the iOS device-specific UID. That is, the HBK is supposed to be accessible only via the trusted executable environment (TEE), that is isolated on a different microprocessor. Untrusted software (even with compromise of the main kernel) is not supposed to be able to directly access the HBK.

That said, the reality is manufacturer-dependent. The TEE on different devices has been repeatedly compromised (Qualcomm TEE implementation compromised in 2014, HTC in 2015, etc.). Thus, there is threat of software compromise that may allow the attacker to retrieve or misuse the HBK.

Q: Is the secure enclave on the recent iPhones that TEE? Does that mean that most phones are vulnerable to offline brute force attacks? (since most phone don't have TEE (I'm not sure about that) and have a 4-6 digit PIN instead of an alphanumeric password)

A: The TEE is for Android; iOS uses secure enclave similarly. Most phones that do not use a device-specific key (i.e., old Android devices that run <Android 4.4, very old iOS devices) are vulnerable to offline brute-force attacks. Most phones (even old ones like our Nexus 4) do have TEE.

We built our own MDM application for our Android phone, and verified that the passcode can be reset without the user’s explicit consent; this also updated the phone’s encryption keys. We could then use the new passcode to unlock the phone from the lock screen and at boot time

Q: if you do that, the content on the phone would have to be decrypted with the real passcode and re-encrypted with your new passcode. I would imagine that the real passcode is not stored anywhere (there should be a password hash stored instead for verification only), so how does that technique works for the decryption phase? (don't know if the question is clear enough)

A: The phone is not directly encrypted with the passcode, but with a randomly generated DEK. The DEK is then encrypted with the KEK, which in turn is generated from the passcode and the HBK. Now, when the passcode is changed, the phone decrypts the DEK with the old KEK, then recreates the new KEK with the new passcode and HBK, and re-encrypts the DEK with the new KEK. Data is not touched when the passcode changes.

Q: so, specifically then, how does the phone uses the old KEK if it doesn't have the old passcode?

A: The old KEK is not created on the fly, but stored in the hardware-backed keystore (accessible only via the TEE). The TEE can retrieve it to decrypt the encrypted DEK.

Generally, operating system software is signed with a digital code that proves it is genuine, and which the phone requires before actually installing it.

this part made me wonder, what if we used lasers? Fault attacks are a big thing in the smart card industry, why is no one talking about it for cellphones? This prompted me to ask Frederico Menarini from Riscure:

Q: In iOS or Android if you want to update the phone, the update needs to be signed with Apple or Google or Samsung, etc... update key. But what you could do if you could mount a fault attack (lasers?) would be to target the point where the cellphone refuses the patch because of a false signature.

A: In principle, fault attacks are possible on phones – nothing prevents it and the scenario you described is valid. Laser attacks might be challenging though because certain chips use package-on-package or chip stacking, which means that you might not be able to directly affect the CPU using light.

In general attacking mobile phone chips will be complicated because they run at extremely high frequencies compared to smartcards (smartcards rarely run faster than 50 MHz) and because the feature size is much smaller (state of the art in smartcards is 90nm, which makes targeting the right area of the chip with a laser easier).

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